Our Parish is committed to helping others and supporting organisations who provide practical help in meeting the needs of vulnerable people.
SVP – The St Vincent de Paul Society (or as it is often known – the SVP) is an international Christian voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing practical assistance to those in need – irrespective of ideology, faith, ethnicity, age or gender. – See more at: ww.svp.org.uk/ Local contact via the Parish Office.
Churches Together in Boscombe (Go tohttp://www.ctib.community/) Churches Together in Boscombe is a Covenanted group of 10 Churches working together in the local community to express Christianity in service and mission. They meet regularly and hold United Services in each church throughout the year. A current project is Open the Book.
Open the Book is a national scheme with the aim of enabling every child to hear the story of the Bible at school in their primary years. A team of volunteers, drawn from Churches Together in Boscombe, present stories from the bible to children in a local primary school. Each week, the volunteers meet and prepare, before going into the school the following day. They present Bible stories every week of term time. It is much appreciated by the school. (Go to CTIB website for more information)
CAFOD – The Catholic Agency For Overseas Development (CAFOD), is the Catholic aid agency for England and Wales. It is an international aid agency working to alleviate poverty and suffering in developing countries. It is funded by the Catholic community in England and Wales, the British Government and the general public by donations. Local contact via the Parish Office. or Email: portsmouth@cafod.org.uk For more information go to : www.cafod.org.uk/