Welcome to our Parish community at Corpus Christi, Boscombe!
My name is Father John Nelson and I took up my appointment as Parish Priest in September 2022. The Society of Jesus (often known as the Jesuits) have served and built up this parish over the past 125 years but recently handed care to the Diocese of Portsmouth, led by Bishop Philip Egan. I was ordained as a diocesan priest in 1984 and have served in a number of parishes as well as in other appointments.
In each of the parishes where I have worked, I’ve taken the approach that the parish belongs to the people who form that particular community. Most were here long before I arrived and many will be here after I’ve moved on (whenever that might be!) so the parish is your parish. At its heart are those who come to church to worship on a regular basis. But it includes those who come less often and are connected to this faith community. And the parish also includes everyone who wants to be part of what we are doing and are about. In other words, this parish is an open community which seeks to invite and welcome anyone who wishes to be part of it – whatever their circumstances, situation or background.
Before Jesus left his friends and returned to his Father in heaven, he gave them simple instructions. He said to them: “Go out to the whole world and proclaim the Good News.” This is what we seek to do in a world which is complex and challenging and we do it through our actions as much as our words. Here in our part of Bournemouth there is much to be done in bringing the Good News of Jesus to our sisters and brothers.
One way we try to do this is through our Catholic Schools [in particular Corpus Christi Primary and St Peter’s]. These too are places of welcome where young lives are nurtured and informed to set a firm foundation on which they are able to build their lives. Our Schools are clear about the Catholic ethos they seek to provide for all who study in them. The gift of a good education is the gift we offer to every family which chooses to entrust their child(ren) to one of our schools.
I began by noting the history of this particular parish and the years of service that the Jesuits have invested in building up what we have today. Dotted around the church you will see four initials ‘AMDG’ which represent the Jesuit motto in Latin. It reminds us that everything we do is ‘For the Greater Glory of God.’ As we continue to seek to serve the needs of our local Catholic community, and as we reach out to anyone who wishes to come along, and to those who live within our part of the town of Bournemouth and beyond, we do it for God – not for ourselves. Because as Christians we believe strongly that this life on earth leads to something better, greater and more glorious. It leads us to heaven – and we want to share that with as many as possible.
Father John
Parish Priest: Monsignor John Nelson
Assisted by: Deacon Gregory Cook
Latest Updates
We will be streaming 6pm and 10am Sunday masses. You can find the stream HERE.
You can find the latest newsletter HERE .
We are live streaming Mass every Saturday and Sunday, live from Corpus Christi Church. You can find the stream HERE.
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